Looking for Devops

As previously mentioned, we are preparing for our official launch of Themecloud and when Autumn arrive, so will D-Day. We are keep to find a DevOps / SysAdmin person, so, if you are experienced in Cloud and Docker technologies we'll love you all the more. So come on, give it a whirl and contact us at [email protected]... we're a nice...

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WordCamp Europe rock!!!

It was fantastic to meet again against the WordPress community! But it's always amazing so I'm not sure why we are so surprised, maybe because it was in such an awesome location (we kinda felt in love with Sevilla) and the mojitos were flowing! If you were't lucky enough to get along to WordCamp Europe you can always check out our...

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Theme developers wanted

We have around twenty different free themes and models on our marketplace. That's not bad but we'd like it to be better! We're constantly looking forward and we always have our eye out for more themes. Our like is to offer even more amazing templates covering even more sectors, henceforth, we need some contributors. Can you help? Do you know...

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Wordcamp Europe

Each and every year, Themecloud visits WordCamp Europe and 2015 is no exception. We are particularly excited about it and for two very good reasons : It's being helped in Seville... We will be taking the opportunity to open our beta! In addition, WordCamp permits us to communicate with the WordPress community, it gives us an invalid insight into new...

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Themecloud becomes Faaaster!

Themecloud modernises and changes its name

A more modern and ergonomic interface, a name more aligned with our values proposal and our ambition, discover Faaaster, the WordPress hosting solution that accelerates your sites and saves you time on managing your WordPress sites!

On the program: development branches with one-click synchronization, team management, new configuration options to improve the security and speed of your sites and many other new features...