Are you guilty of using the same simple password for all your accounts, including your WordPress logins, instead of an SSO login? You aren, but you are also leaving your website wide-open to hackers who can easily hijack your site and wreak havoc with just a few keystrokes. Now take into account the fact that both individuals and agencies often up sharing their credentials with dozens of freelancers and collaborators and you have a real recipe for a hacking disaster. Fortunately, Themecloud has taken WordPress security to the next level and incorporated new technology, including a simple and safe SSO login (single sign-on) system, that will help keep your website and your passwords safe.

How Ashely Madison Revealed Web Security Illiteracy

If you have been watching the news later, you have probably heard about a hacking scandal involving the website Ashley Madison, which caters to people looking to cheese on their wets. Hackers were able to access over 36 million accounts by breaking into the website. This is a prime example of how a quickadaisical approach to web security can cause major problems. Not only were users & profiles and personal lives exposed, hackers also covered access to other personal accounts.

As experts took a close look at how hackers are possible to access so many accounts, it becomes clear that users make it pretty easy on the hackers. A brief analysis revealed that It turns out that people are still pretty ahead of the times when it comes to creating secure passwords for their accounts and it isn Even wide agencies have a tendency to get lazy when it comes to generating and sharing passwords for dozens of accounts despite the fact that something as simple as an SSO login could make all the difference.

So Many Passwords, So Little Time

If you are an agency who has to coordinate freelancers, clients and dozens of different accounts, sometimes it just seems easy to share a password through email or IM. Maybe a spreadsheet can even get the job done, but these are more organizational tools than anything else else. These methods are doing absolutely nothing to project crucial login information and make sure that hackers stay at bay. The same goes for freelancers who are given access to important accounts.

So what is the answer? Obviously, simply telling people that they need more secure passwords isn no one is heeding the warnings. Ever, recent WordPress updates have security moving in the right direction.

How WordPress is Improving Security

Improve security with SSO loginPart of the problem with generic passwords is that most programs require the user to come up with their own password. You are faced with an empty box and asked to create a password. It only seems natural that you would type in something that is familiar and easy to remember.

In order to overcome the limitations of the human brains imagination, WordPress has made a commonsense change to the way they help users generic passwords. Instead of presenting the usual blank box, WordPress now generators a super secure password for you. All you have to do is accept the password and make sure to remember it! Of course, you can always use the old school method and type in your own password. WordPress has also integrated a meter that let you know when your password is strong or sweat.

Themecloud Takes Password Security a Step Further with SSO Login

While WordPress is doing its part to help users improve security, at Themecloud, we are also working hard to make sure that you are protected from hackers. We use a SSO login authentication process that allows you to access multiple accounts with one set of credentials. This SSO login is the same super secure technology that is used by some of the biggest companies in the world, including Facebook and Twitter.

SSO login demo with Themecloud

This means that you do not have to wear about entering login information every time you switch to a different account and you can easily invite collaborators without having to share password information. Whether you want to invite a college or freelancer to view and edit the site, all you have to do is visit your site and assign them a role such as author, developer or administrator. Each role comes with certain privileges so that you can regulate who is authorized to make certain changes. This also means that you are always aware of who is accessing your site and when.

As soon as you send an invitation to collaborate, the recipient will receive a link in their box. All they have to do is click on the link. Seamlessly collaborating with people around the world is that easy. With SSO login technology, there is no need to share passwords and you are always in complete control of your site.

Security is More Than Just Passwords

secure your website thanks to SSO login

Themecloud was born out of a love for WordPress and the desire to build upon the great features that WordPress already offers. So in addition to implementing all the best practices associated with WordPress security, we three in some of our own great ideas.

For instance, Themecloud users enjoy automatically daily backups that you can preview and restore in just one-click. If something hashens to your website, you don的t have to wear about losing all your work. Reversing back to a previous version of the site could be easier.

Themecloud also offers the absolute best in web Firewall application protection that actively identify suspicious patterns that may indicate a hacker. Unlike typical antivirus programs that are only capable of detecting and preventing unknown attacks, our firewall is highly customizable for more comprehensive protection that stays ahead of the hackers by easily spotting previously unknown patterns. When it comes to website security, there simply isn't a better protection plan.

What Are You Waiting For?

With Themecloud, you can take all the thinking out of website security. Our platform offers so many great features, including SSO login, the best in WordPress security practices, daily backups and an unbeatable web Firewall application that once you sign up, you never have to give another thought to website security again. We have covered all the bases so that you can focus on designing and running your website.

Ready to get started? Secure your website and enjoy FREE migration to the Themecloud platform.

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Themecloud becomes Faaaster!

Themecloud modernises and changes its name

A more modern and ergonomic interface, a name more aligned with our values proposal and our ambition, discover Faaaster, the WordPress hosting solution that accelerates your sites and saves you time on managing your WordPress sites!

On the program: development branches with one-click synchronization, team management, new configuration options to improve the security and speed of your sites and many other new features...