WordPress Performance Benchmark free

Would you like to check the performance gains Faaaster would bring to your WordPress site before migrating to us?
Nothing simpler! We clone the site in a private environment and make a performance comparison with your current host for free!

WordPress Performance Benchmark: Discover the Potential of Your Site

Welcome to our exclusive service of free WordPress performance benchmark. If you are wondering how to improve the overall speed and performance of your WordPress site, you are in the right place. Our unique offer allows you to compare the current performance of your site with those that it could achieve on our specialized hosting platform.

Why a WordPress Performance Benchmark?

In today's digital world, the loading speed of your website is not a luxury, it's a necessity. A faster site improves user experience, reduces rebound rate, increases conversion rate and improves your positioning in search engines! This is where our service of WordPress performance benchmark Come into play. Using tools such as GT Metrix and WebPageTest.org, we offer you a detailed comparative analysis, highlighting how hosting on Faaaster can transform the performance of your site.

How does our WordPress Performance Benchmark work?

  1. Easy submission: fill out our online form to start. We take care of everything from there.
  2. Cloning and analysis: We clone your site in a private environment on our servers, without affecting your active site. We then compare the performance of your original site with that of our cloned site.
  3. Detailed report: You will receive a full report, including analyses from GT Metrix and WebPageTest.org, highlighting possible performance improvements.

Benefits of Our WordPress Performance Benchmark

  • Decisions:Our benchmark offers you concrete data to help you make the best decision for your site.
  • Improved Performance:Find out how your site can benefit from higher loading speed and better responsiveness.
  • WordPress Expertise:take advantage of our expertise in WordPress hosting to optimize the performance of your site.

Ready to boost the performance of your WordPress site?

Do not let your site's performance be a brake on your online success. With our WordPress performance benchmarkfind out how optimized hosting can make a difference. Fill out our form today and take the first step towards a faster and more efficient site.

Please fill out the form below and create an administrator of your WordPress site with email: [email protected]. Please do not send your credentials directly, or via the secure service OneTimeSecret.

Themecloud becomes Faaaster!

Themecloud modernises and changes its name

A more modern and ergonomic interface, a name more aligned with our values proposal and our ambition, discover Faaaster, the WordPress hosting solution that accelerates your sites and saves you time on managing your WordPress sites!

On the program: development branches with one-click synchronization, team management, new configuration options to improve the security and speed of your sites and many other new features...