Free development environments for WordPress professionals

Presentation of the freelances and partner agencies programme of

Why a partner program?

Since we repositioned Themecloud on the target of WordPress professionals we have noticed that many freelancers or agencies (sometimes even very important) did not have a comfortable process and environments for their development.

Some freelancers work on local environments and do not have online environments to share their work with their clients. Rather annoying at the time of agile processes and short iterations :-/

Others have a server but lose a crazy time starting each project.

At the other extreme, some large agencies work on dev environments managed internally on dedicated servers. The opening of an environment is then based on the system teams and the implementation deadlines can reach several days because of this bottlenecks. Once the environment is ready, developers do not have one third of the comfort they would have on a managed service: clones, backups, php version, log access etc.

So we wondered if it would not be possible to set up a winning/winner mechanics that would allow professionals to develop in better conditions and at Themecloud to make themselves known to a greater number of freelancers and agencies!

How does it work?

The objective of our program is therefore to offer benefits to WordPress professionals to enable them to work in better conditions.

Here is a list of all the benefits included in our program. We also made a short video to explain the features.

Free and unlimited development environments

A development environment is a working environment. The site is not accessible to the public and is hosted on less efficient servers than the servers used for live sites.

As partners, you can create as many as you want and without any time limit!

Automatic deployment on your own domain

By default, when you create a site on Themecloud, it is deployed on a temporary URL of the [name of the site]

Let's imagine that your site is As a partner, you can configure your account so that the sites are automatically deployed on the temporary UTL [sitename]

It is even more qualitative when you share the site with your customers!

All Themecloud features

Development environments of course benefit from all the features of Themecloud. It's a bit of a goal to offer you a better working comfort!

You therefore benefit from:

  • daily automatic backups
  • unlimited manual backups
  • Recovery of backups in 1 click
  • creation of clones in 1 click
  • the passage in https in 1 click
  • a powerful IDE (file editor) online
  • SSH / SFTP access
  • DB export / import in 1 click
  • change PHP version in 1 click

Want to know more?Find out more about all the features of our specialized WordPress hosting on our website.

Transfer of ownership of the site

Once the site has been finalized, you can invite your customer to subscribe.

Click here to invite my client to subscribe, choose the hosting plan you recommend, type a small word to accompany the invitation and it's gone, your customer receives a dedicated email and only click on the link to subscribe and retrieve the property of the site!

Don't worry, however, you can still manage the site from your Themecloud account as a collaborator. This will allow you to easily manage maintenance or evolutions, as long as the customer does not remove you employees of course!

PS: There is nothing to prevent you from subscribing to the accommodation yourself and from refacting your client behind if you prefer.

Recurring commissions on subscriptions generated

And yes, if you asked yourself the question, our affiliate program is compatible with the partner program. If you are registered as a Themecloud affiliate, each subscription subscribed by one of your customers will automatically generate 30% commission on the first payment and 10% on all renewals.

Want to know more? Click here to see the details of our affiliate program.

What's the scam?

Many teachers to whom we presented our program immediately thought that there was a scam. Of course not, here's why in a few points.

You own your sites.

Providing you with a working environment does of course not give us any rights over your creations. You can of course export your sites at any time, we even provide a complete export feature (file + database) in 1 click!

There is no obligation or commitment

Using our solution does not involve you. You are not required to use our platform once the site has been finalized and can therefore of course migrate it to another hosting provider according to your client's preferences.

However, we reserve the right to close your account after 15 days' notice if we find repeated abuses.

Our remuneration is on the visibility and subscriptions generated

We are regularly asked how we pay under this programme. It is very simple, it brings us visibility and of course encourages members to offer our accommodation to their customers. In the end, it costs us a lot less than advertising campaigns and allows you to offer a real service for the same price rather than spaming your feeds on social networks.


Want to know more about our program? Don't hesitate to visit our dedicated page or contact us on our chat support!

How to become a partner?

To join our partner program you just have to apply on this link. We will respond within 24 hours and will create your partner account*. You will then get a badge like this under your username.

* It is possible that we ask you for additional information to justify your WordPress professional status and we reserve the right not to follow up.

Once membership is validated, you can immediately create your first free development site.

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A more modern and ergonomic interface, a name more aligned with our values proposal and our ambition, discover Faaaster, the WordPress hosting solution that accelerates your sites and saves you time on managing your WordPress sites!

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