Collaborate Effectively and Securely on your WordPress Website

We are very proud to release our brand new Collaboration Feature! You can now invite users to collaborate on your website directly from your Themecloud dashboard without sending any password. Why is it so important? Security (and comfort) After having worked as a freelance and in many web agencies, I have seen everywhere huge security leads due to collaboration. Passwords...

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The beta is open!!!

As we promised, to you, we took advantage of WordCamp Europe to open our Beta. It came along a number of sleepless nights but it was completely worth it. Now you can enjoy near 30 free and premium templates that have been built with a great deal of love and devotion. So you no longer have any excuse, try out...

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Scientipôle Initiative supports us!

Scientipôle is an association that offers new and innovative companies the ability to finance their ventures by offering them grants, sponsorships and general support. Aimed at scientific and technological based enterprises and available exclusively to France it helps a business grow. At Themecloud we are lighted to announce that we have been selected as a recipient of a grant to...

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Private beta!!!

We Have The Pleasure of Announcing... that Themecloud is now available as a Private Beta! We've already had some amazing and positive feedback from our theme developers and we want now to have yours! Eager to test out Themecloud? All it will take is just one quick and simple click below and you will receive your VIP Private Beta invitation....

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Themecloud integrates STARTUP42

What is StartUp42? StartUp42 is an Accelerator, the rocket and the cannon, a boost for technology start-ups. It all starts with a great idea and then StartUp42 is the companion that helps put the pedal to the metal. It assists when everything gets momentum and is the help and helping hand that ultimately transforms that idea into coming a start-up....

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Happy new year!

It's been a while since we last gave news but we have worked hard since and we think it was worth waiting! Introduction the marketplace for pre-installed websites. We are glad to announce the new version of our service. After testing our technology to deploy demo sites on the fly for theme developers, we will be able to deploy them...

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Themecloud becomes Faaaster!

Themecloud modernises and changes its name

A more modern and ergonomic interface, a name more aligned with our values proposal and our ambition, discover Faaaster, the WordPress hosting solution that accelerates your sites and saves you time on managing your WordPress sites!

On the program: development branches with one-click synchronization, team management, new configuration options to improve the security and speed of your sites and many other new features...