Themecloud 2017-2018


2017 was a pivotal year for Themecloud. Lots of learnings, lots of changes and most importantly, lots of exciting announcements to start 2018!

Read on to find out more about the changes we’ve made, why we’ve made them, and how they will you grow your business.

A Redefined Mission: Saving WordPress Pros Time

We have been focused on the “mainstream” market with our catalog of turnkey WordPress websites. However, we

In 2017 we simplified WordPress website creation for SMBs thanks to our catalog of turnkey WordPress websites. We soon realized that even with a simplified setup, WordPress can not compete yet with site builders like Wix or SquareSpace for ease of use and low cost.

In 2018, we sharpen our focus back on our core value, which is to make our mid-market web designers’ lives easier by:

  • Offering up the best technical stack to ensure your WordPress sites are secure and speedy right out of the box so you won’t spend time on technical configurations.
  • Providing time saving tools for your day to day tasks, such as cloning sites, connecting domain names, editing files, and collaborating with team members…
  • Offering first class support and WordPress assistance so you won’t waste time with all the small but time-consuming WordPress issues designers and developers deal with everyday.

Want to know more? We have made a few videos about our process and how we make your life easier!

Improved Quality of Service and Stunning Performance Thanks to Our New Google Cloud Powered Architecture

We were among the first WordPress hosting companies to create an “in house,” Docker based hosting platform. Since then, major players like Google and Microsoft have made massive investments in Docker based architecture and offer more and more effective and competitive tools in their cloud products.

We moved our services to Google Cloud because they are one of the most advanced cloud providers in terms of container technology and among the most aggressive innovators in the cloud space.

As a result, you benefit from the very best of cloud hosting and innovations. While Google innovates in the cloud, we are freed up to focus on developing better tools to optimize your WordPress workflow and client experience. Together, these innovations will ensure that your website builds are ever smoother and more efficient.

Free Performance Benchmarking

We are so proud of our performance that we offer free performance benchmarking. You don’t have to trust us. Find out for yourself how well your site performs on Themecloud, risk free!

Get a free benchmark to see how fast your site could be on Themecloud

hébergement wordpress

Bulletproof Security with Our New Partner Astra Security

Security is something that concerns every WordPress professional. By including Astra powerful security firewall in all our hosting plans, our customers can focus on their businesses knowing that their websites are safe and secure.

Hackers are clever people, so if your website is hacked despite our Astra security measures, we guarantee fixing your website and uncovering the source of your security leaks within one day and at no extra charge*.

Find out more about Astra Security for WordPress

*depending on the hosting plan you subscribed to


Our Customers Love Us 💜: 5 Star Reviews on TrustPilot,

Our main focus has always been to make our customers super happy with our services. That is why we are so proud of our 5 Star TrustPilot reviews. 98% of our clients rate us as a 5 star service (excellent), while the remaining  2% give us a  4 Star rating (good).

Our secret? We respond in less than three minutes on our support chat and, if a client’s website has a problem, we fix it right away. Long story short, you can always rely on us to go the extra mile for you.

Discover what our clients say about us

hébergement wordpress

A Full-Service Offer, Including Website Maintenance

Maintaining and optimizing a website requires time and organization. And, let’s be honest, it is not the most interesting part of your task load as a WordPress professional.

To save you from getting bogged down in the details of website maintenance and optimization, we provide you offers including hosting, assistance, maintenance, and even a license of the best WordPress caching plugin available  on the market. You guessed it, we’re talking about WP Rocket!

How does it work?

  1. We take care of every maintenance task for you (core, theme and plugin updates, backups, verification and optimization of performances…) and we take care of, at least, 5 tasks of less than 30 minutes on your website every month.
  2. Every month, you will receive a full report, concerning all aspects of your website: updates, security, traffic, the uptime and even SEO (up to 100 keywords)!
  3. You will have more time to get new clients and take care of your existing customers!

Find out about our latest offers

hébergement wordpress

Watch For More

Not ones to stand still, we are already working on new features and updates and we will soon share yet more service upgrades. There will be, without revealing too much: uptime monitoring, database search replace, and billing transfe.

What’s On Your WordPress Wish List?

As innovators and passionate customer service providers, we want to know! What products and services would make your life as a WordPress professional easier, faster, more prosperous, or, hey, even more fun?

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Accélérez votre site WordPress avec Faaaster

Découvrez l’hébergement spécialisé WordPress simple, sécurisé et très rapide !


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Nous clonons votre site sur nos serveurs et réalisons gratuitement un comparatif avec votre hébergeur actuel.

Vous souhaitez tester notre interface ?

Créez un site WordPress privé gratuitement en 2 minutes ! Pas de CB requise.

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Themecloud devient Faaaster !

Themecloud se modernise et change de nom

Une interface plus moderne et plus ergonomique, un nom plus aligné avec notre proposition de valeurs et notre ambition, découvrez Faaaster, la solution d’hébergement WordPress qui accélère vos sites et vous fait gagner du temps sur la gestion de vos sites WordPress ! 

Au programme : branches de développements avec synchronisation en un clic, gestion d’équipe, de nouvelles options de configuration pour améliorer la sécurité et la rapidité de vos sites et bien d’autres nouveautés…