Manage your WordPress files more efficiently with Codiad

If you never heard about it, Codiad is a super convenient web based file manager. It provides an IDE and even a command line interface.

We are happy to announce that it is now integrated with Themecloud so you can save even more time managing your websites!

Don’t know what to use it for? Here are a few use cases.

1. Modifying the wp-config file

Let’s say you want to enable the debug mode in your wp-config.php file following a bug on your website.

  1. connect to Codiad
  2. double click your wp-config.php file
  3. An IDE opens in the right panel, type “true” in the “wp-debug” option line
  4. press “ctrl+s” or “cmd+s” to save the file.

All done 🙂

Way easier and faster than downloading the file through FTP, editing it locally and uploading it, don’t you think?

2. Safely update a premium plugin

Let’s say you want to update a premium plugin but want to be able to rollback in case the update breaks something on your website.

  1. create backup of your site (either on your Themecloud dashboard or with your favorite backup tool)
  2. connect to Codiad and double click the wp-content/plugins folder
  3. right click the plugin folder and rename it with “-old” at the end
  4. right click the “wp-content/plugins” folder and upload the zip archive of the updated version
  5. right click the zip file and select “unzip”
  6. test the website!
  7. if anything is broken just delete the new version and rename the old one 🙂

3. Use command lines to quickly delete a bunch of files

Let’s say you want to delete 200 pictures all starting with “PIC”. You might not want to do it manually right? Let’s see how to do that in less than 30s!

  1. create backup of your site (either on your Themecloud dashboard or with your favorite backup tool)
  2. connect to Codiad and click the tab on the right side of the screen
  3. click “terminal”
  4. type: “rm PIC*” and press enter
  5. all done 🙂

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Themecloud devient Faaaster !

Themecloud se modernise et change de nom

Une interface plus moderne et plus ergonomique, un nom plus aligné avec notre proposition de valeurs et notre ambition, découvrez Faaaster, la solution d’hébergement WordPress qui accélère vos sites et vous fait gagner du temps sur la gestion de vos sites WordPress ! 

Au programme : branches de développements avec synchronisation en un clic, gestion d’équipe, de nouvelles options de configuration pour améliorer la sécurité et la rapidité de vos sites et bien d’autres nouveautés…