Collaborate Effectively and Securely on your WordPress Website

We are very proud to release our brand new Collaboration Feature!

You can now invite users to collaborate on your website directly from your Themecloud dashboard without sending any password.

Why is it so important?

Security (and comfort)

After having worked as a freelance and in many web agencies, I have seen everywhere huge security leaks due to collaboration.

Passwords were sent by email, stored in Excel sheets, lost etc.

Project managers would send admin access because they did not have time to create a new user (I know…). Not to say they used weak passwords when they took the time to create a user.

In the end, nobody knew who had access to what, hackers could easily gain access to the website admins and passwords were forgotten or lost regularly.



With Themecloud built-in collaboration, you can manage exactly who has access to what directly from your Themecloud dashboard.

Nobody needs to remember passwords, they can access to FTP and WordPress dashboards with their Themecloud credentials thanks to our Single Sign-On and centralized FTP features.

In the end, your sites are more secure and you can collaborate seamlessly. Plus, you don’t loose time managing messy passwords spreadsheets 😉



Use case: collaborating with a support team

Let’s say you have a problem with your website and you think it is a bug from your premium theme. So you contact the support and they will generally ask to access your website admin.

It is always an issue when the support team wants to have access to your website.

  • Is it safe to give access to your production website? Not really.
  • Can they help efficiently without having access to your WordPress dashboard or FTP? No chance.

With Themecloud you can easily clone your website on a free dev environment and invite the support team to collaborate in a few clicks.

They will be able to help you efficiently without risk to break anything on your production website.


Want to give it a try?

Create a website for free and start sending invites!

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] Create a website and start collaborating[/button]


Have feedbacks, a story to share? 

Please let us know what you think in the comments!


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Themecloud devient Faaaster !

Themecloud se modernise et change de nom

Une interface plus moderne et plus ergonomique, un nom plus aligné avec notre proposition de valeurs et notre ambition, découvrez Faaaster, la solution d’hébergement WordPress qui accélère vos sites et vous fait gagner du temps sur la gestion de vos sites WordPress ! 

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